Thursday, September 17, 2015

Error: OSWatcher uses the OS utility Logman to gather its data

Starting Operating System Watcher for Windows (OSWatcher) may return following error message.
c:\oswfw_2_5.1\oswfw_2_5.1>oswatcher 20 120

OSWatcher uses the OS utility Logman to gather its data.
Logman can only write its output to a local drive.
fOSWatcher therefore can only be run from a local drive.

To solve this issue; open command prompt, where you will initiate OSwatcher, by using “Run as Administrator” option after right clicking on command prompt icon form the start menu – as you see bellow

After that, OSWatcher should run successfully
c:\oswfw_2_5.1\oswfw_2_5.1>oswatcher 20 120

Start of Operating System Watcher for Windows

           Processing: OSWThread OSWSystem OSWServer_Work_Queue OSWProcessor OSWProcess OSWLogicalDisk OSWPhysicalDisk OSWPagingFile OSWNetstat OSWMemory OSWCache
           Config Dir: c:\oswfw_2_5.1\oswfw_2_5.1
Output File Directory: c$\oswfw_2_5.1\oswfw_2_5.1
     Output File Type: csv
    Snapshot Interval: 00:00:20 seconds
     Runtime Interval: 0120:00:00 (/du 0120:00) hours
            Node List: SGPVPSTUNMGR

OSWatcher for Windows written by:
  Kevin Reardon, Center of Expertise, Oracle Corporation

Starting OSWatcher for Windows V2.5.1 on Thu 08/27/2015

Creating Archive Directories:

Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWThread
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWSystem
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWServer_Work_Queue
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWProcessor
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWProcess
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWLogicalDisk
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWPhysicalDisk
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWPagingFile
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWNetstat
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWMemory
Node SGPVPSTUNMGR created Archive\OSWCache

Creating OSWatcher Counters
Create Counter: OSWThread
 Start Counter: OSWThread
Create Counter: OSWSystem
 Start Counter: OSWSystem
Create Counter: OSWServer_Work_Queue
 Start Counter: OSWServer_Work_Queue
Create Counter: OSWProcessor
 Start Counter: OSWProcessor
Create Counter: OSWProcess
 Start Counter: OSWProcess
Create Counter: OSWLogicalDisk
 Start Counter: OSWLogicalDisk
Create Counter: OSWPhysicalDisk
 Start Counter: OSWPhysicalDisk
Create Counter: OSWPagingFile
 Start Counter: OSWPagingFile
Create Counter: OSWNetstat
 Start Counter: OSWNetstat
Create Counter: OSWMemory
 Start Counter: OSWMemory
Create Counter: OSWCache
 Start Counter: OSWCache
Create OSWCleanup

Data Collector Set                      Type                          Status
OSWCache                                Counter                       Running
OSWLogicalDisk                          Counter                       Running
OSWMemory                               Counter                       Running
OSWNetstat                              Counter                       Running
OSWPagingFile                           Counter                       Running
OSWPhysicalDisk                         Counter                       Running
OSWProcess                              Counter                       Running
OSWProcessor                            Counter                       Running
OSWServer_Work_Queue                    Counter                       Running
OSWSystem                               Counter                       Running
OSWThread                               Counter                       Running

The command completed successfully.

The status of OSWClenanup on SGPVPSTUNMGR is: SGPVPSTUNMGR


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